From The Creators Of Cut The Rope!

8:59 PM
By now most of us iPhone users would have seen this icon before


Ok, it is cut the rope from Zeptolab.
They also created several of this games with this cute green monster.

So today I saw a curious game hitting the top charts (free, I am a cheapo who source for free apps, oh what will I do without them!) and so I went and download.

If you are blind, it is the no.28 icon you should be looking for. Candy Flick.

It promises some sort of 3D effect when you print out a specific image and I did... and I saw...

The greeny popping up on my screen on the paper!!
It's not even a coloured version!!
It's not a new technology obviously, but I am still quite entertained because I found this green thing so cute :D 

as you would have guessed it by now, if I placed the paper closer to me, I scored less points if the cookie entered his mouth.
and as you would have also known by now, I suck at flicking cookies.

Here's an ending shot with us trying to "pet" the monster hahah! 

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