Is Mi Band A Good Buy?

12:36 AM

With all the stuff going on about Gushcloud (not that anyone cares about me), this is not an ad. Xiao Mi didn't put me up to this and neither have its competitors lol. 

So anyway, a couple of months back I was surfing Taobao and I saw Mi Band. Then I scrolled further and saw that it is now compatible with iPhone! So I got excited because a student like me could not afford anything from Fitbit and whatstheotherbrandcalled. For an average of $20, you can purchase Mi Band either from China or SG to track your sleep and number of steps taken each day. I got mine from Taobao because I can engrave my name for free hoho. 

miband xiaomi

Aesthetically speaking it is not as good looking as those more premium brands. The band itself cost maybe about $5 and you can choose other colours as well, which I cannot be bothered. I guess the key question is

Is it worth the purchase? 

To answer this question, I am using two apps from Apple - Sleep Time (which I blogged about before) and Argus. Argus is like Apple Health and it takes the data from various other of its apps like Sleep Time and display all your stats nicely for you. 

Disclaimer: I am NOT saying that Azumio, the company that develops Sleep Time and Argus is the gold standard. I am merely comparing Mi Band to it simply because I have been using them for quite some time and so I am more accustomed to their system.  

So as with how I tested Sleep Time, I too put the Mi Band on the table for a day (and subsequently a few more days because I was lazy/forgetful) and there was 0 data points for both sleeping and walking. Excellent. 

However this is where divergence occurs. 

miband sleep sleeptime

As you can see from both the pictures, Mi Band and Sleep Time did not agree with each other as to my sleep quality. What is also not shown in the picture because it was too long, Sleep Time said that I slept for 5hr 52min on 27 Jan and 5h 44min on 28 Jan. In terms of the total hours of sleep, I supposed both are fairly similar (statistical test of significant required lol). I hypothesise that the differences maybe due to the location. Mi Band is on my hand and my phone is under my pillow. So maybe my head moves more than my arms? 

Next, walking. 

As you can see, Mi Band overestimated the number of steps I took each day. I later found out it was because of hand swinging. Even if I did not move and swung my arms instead, Mi Band will still record it as a step taken, whereas Argus would not. So in this aspect, I think Mi Band is not super accurate. It would not matter if the difference is about 100 steps, but this (below) is a fairly huge difference.  

miband screenshot argus

So back to question.

To buy or not to buy? 

If you can tell from the pictures, there are already apps available for you to make use of. In fact both Samsung and Apple health apps are already able to track the number of steps you take. Perhaps the Mi Band is useful if you don't bring your phone around with you often.  Same goes for tracking of sleep. An important point I missed out is that MiBand is waterproof, so you can take it too the pools with you, but I am not sure how would it track 'steps' in this case then. 

So in my personally opinion, Mi Band is truly for the lazy or those who fear brain cancer from phone radiation. There is also the debate about whether do we need to know how much steps we walk each day? Surely we should start with the question 'have I exercise today' instead? 

If you have $20 to spare and you don't want to waste your phone battery on the apps, then get it. If not, I would really suggest the more premium wearables (that can track you heart rate) for those who are doing more sports. 


  1. i dont know about this application before. maybe its good to remind your lifestyle and healthy life.. i would say yes for this.

  2. I have a FitBit and it's useful but all those tracking steps gets old after awhile. I think it's cool to track it but like you said at the end, you kind of think why do I even need to know these things anyways? Just be active and save the money haha.

    Autumn | It's Autumn's Life

  3. I only really keep track of my steps and I use "Pacer" for iPhone to do that. It does a good job on its own, so I don't need to purchase any band of any kind really.

  4. Most of my friends have FitBit and I believe all of them like it. I'm not too sure about these apps though because I'm not very active (aka I don't exercise at all) haha!

  5. I don't know about this, but I'm using an app called Moves to track my steps everyday. There are also other health apps that are super adorable that are free. To me I track it to see if I've moved a lot or just stayed in one place for that day. :) Thanks for sharing!

    Gig Love,
    -Siew Hui,

  6. I have a band just like this. I love it and couldn't live without it now. This looks great if not better than mine.

    GIG LOVE | The Life of Leeshastarr

  7. i'm using mi band as well, and i can only say you get what you paid for. havent had time to try it out, but i was advised to put the tracker in my pockets instead of wearing it on the wrist. it might give more accurate numbers...

    1. yea I agree! it feels weird to put it in the pockets imo, maybe they will invent a clipper next time :D

  8. Wow, thats a checklist for a good and healthy lifestyle. I would love to try one.
    - Heena,

  9. First time heard of mi band and thank you for such a details analyst on mi band... Sounds like a really good one to try on..


  10. Seems like a really cool find. I wonder though what do you do with the sleep information?

    1. for me personally I can tell my sleep quality (having higher % for deep sleep is better) so I know if my sleep quality is bad the day before, I would try to sleep early the following day :)

  11. I've heard about other similar products but this is my first coming across Mi Band. I have one from Sony but did not use it.

  12. Not heard of the Mi Brand before.... would really love to try one of this soon.... thanks for comparing ! GigLove

  13. Seems like an interesting product. I didn't know about these kind of things before until this post! However, I think the Mi Band isn't really necessary for me. Lol

  14. wow seems like a very useful gadget!!i need to start tracking my sleep too!

  15. never heard of anything like this before. its interesting but not worth purchasing for myself

  16. I've heard of this recently but I don't think I'm the type who would find much use of it.

  17. Honestly, I wouldn't mind spending $20 on this interesting Band that would help me keep track many things

    GIG Love

  18. I love this band and I wish it was compatible with my phone. That is a great thing you got there :)

  19. Never heard of the application before but this sounds cool =)

  20. such apps and bands are really helpful to keep track of healthy life. However I'm not that health conscious i guess :P

    GIG Love,

  21. Oh wow! This looks and sounds like a great band. I don't typically wear anything around my wrist except for bracelets from time to time. But if I did I would definitely look into getting a fitness band.

  22. this sounds pretty cool and so affordable! I use a FitBit Flex which is amazing - tracks calories, sleep, steps, food, etc. ♥ GIG ♥

  23. I am lazy and I would love to try it! Loving the idea :-)


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