All Clear!

11:40 PM
It's the end of 2013 soon, I hope as you reflect on the year, you are also reflecting on how you treat your body. Having entered the workforce for 2 years plus now (sobs!), there are certain lifestyle changes which are not really that great. Sitting at the office for 8 hours as compared to walking around uni for lectures, tutorials (and food, YEA NIE GRILLED FISH!!) meant that my 'exercise' time is even lesser than before. In school, I also get to eat cheap and relatively healthy food but this is not the case for peeps at CBD area. Sometimes when you are facing something stressful at work, a little 'indulgence' wouldn't hurt right?

But these indulgences add up and can cause health issues.

So as I am naturally kiasi, I have decided to go for health screening every year since the moment I stepped into the workforce and 2013 was no different. My first health screening was sort of subsidised <$100 as my sister was in NUS and they extended the promotion to family members. Unfortunately, I missed the promotion period this year, so I had to source for a new one.

Finding a health screening package is a pain in the ass honestly.
There are so many different packages available and so many health providers, I got sick of looking at these websites after some time. What's equally irritating is that the Health Promotion Board also stated that some test are not necessary (depending on your lifestyle habits), but those tests are included under many health screening packages.

After many months of research, I decided on Asia Health Partners - Standard Chartered Moon Package.
The package is not exactly the cheapest in town, but it is one of the more comprehensive one. My rationale is this: if I am pay $80 for 10 tests and $120 for 15 tests, then I will go for the $120 package because wellllll, you are taking my blood anyway, why not just test for more stuff ?! It will put my kiasi mind at ease also.

The Moon Package cost about $220+ after GST and these are the tests:
A similar package by Raffles Medical cost about $262 while the cheapest package cost $211 (after GST) at SATA (supposedly subsidised o.0 )
Ok la, I have to admit the 60 min free facial/massage was a draw too lol.

Initially I have doubts about AHP because it is situated in... Lucky Plaza. Most health screening places I have heard of, are in Paragon or other more, erm, posh shopping centres. But when I got there I was pleasantly surprised as the whole top floor was dedicated to healthcare services.

Anyway, AHP is fairly popular - I had to wait two months before I was able to book my appointment. This is partly because a) I want to do it on a weekend, b) they only have morning slots because one has to fast for 8 hours. Ideally, this should be the sleeping hours otherwise I will die of hunger.

They did messed up a little, by forgetting one of the tests, and I had to go back down a second time. But no matter, it was quite quick. Next time, maybe you should remember your package properly if you are opting for AHP. Oh they also provide some breakfast (assortment of bread) and drinks after drawing of blood (3 tubes for me).

If you are normal, they will send your report to you via post. If you are well, abnormal, you will have to go down and 'have a talk' with the doctor. So imagine my surprise/shock when they called me regarding the missing test lol. Anyway two weeks later, the report came :D
I am pleased to note that I am normal!! Except my BMI is low at 17. But it has been low since when I was a kid and my local GP said this is okay because it is not like I purposely made myself skinny.

If you have other cards, you can opt for other packages as well:

The massage/facial place was at Lifespa - this should be familiar to those who browse groupon. They have quite a number of groupon deals before. There were 3 locations, one in Somerset and two in Carlton hotel and I picked Carlton because I was heading to the city that day.

Picked massage because I don't really trust other people except my current facialist with my face. 
It was my first massage so I cannot really tell it was super awesome or what, but she helped me eased the tensions in my shoulders which was sorely needed (pun intended lol). 

then came the... HARDSELLING! Which didn't really happened. The consultant just tell you what's available and I overheard people rejecting but no hardselling was done. My consultant was a little kiam pa because she barely looked at me. In the end, I signed 7 sessions not because of hardselling, but because I know my shoulder situation. After that, another person came out to say thank you and smiled widely. -.- a bunch of 见钱眼开 people. Generally the place is not bad, so don't be afraid to go for the massage/facial after the health screen. 

Do not wait until you get diagnose with some late stage shit and start crying ok?
Prevention is better than cure!
Get your health checked today :) 

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