Youtube Is The Best Cure For Boredom

Came across this video while facebook-ing..

Such a smart chimp!

So I went and googled about him and turns out that he actually have two seasons on air!

You know, I reckon he is even smarter than some human beings (apart from poorer fine motor skills), like in the video above, he knew how to think out of the box, take initiative and most importantly, the never give up spirit.

Here's the two seasons if you are as crazy as me lol.

Unfortunately, he attacked someone last year and so he no longer performs =(
I guess even smart people/animals go crazy sometimes.

after Gangnam style and Harlem shake, the new trend that everyone seem to be doing is the Gwiyomi song. This is an act cute song from... Korea again! Basically, it is the gf telling the bf not to leave her or talk to other girls (with all the cutesy poses). Personally, I think it is damn gay for the guys to do it o.0

The original singer did not create the cutesy pose

Ya that's it. I am not doing it lol. 

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