Days That I Dread - A Marshmallow Compliation

We all have days that we dread
Days when we need to go for interviews
Days when we need to give a presentation
Days when we played games the night before a major exam
Days when we are going to receive examination results
Days when we want to confess to someone

Simply put,
Days we think we will fuck up. 

Here's the usual things that we will think about

Be left alone. To sulk. To worry. 

Suicide. The fastest way to end all worries.
But then you will think about your parents, your friends and the thing you can't do when you die.

Snuggle in bed. Possibly the best thing to do, except that maybe the interviewers would have to see you in person in order to have that interview?

Binge eat all the worries awayyyyy wwwhhaaatttt? 

Exercise. Because pain is good. Pain makes a man strong.
Pain.. is too painful. Ow. 

Hide. Which means you have to hide your computer, your iPhone, your facebook, twitter, instagram...
you get the picture. 

Honestly though, I think all we need is

someone who will guide 

and hold us

I am not sure if you have those people in your world, but I sure hope you do, because they will make everything better for you. 
Even if you fail, they will be there to say
"It's Alright"

and even it isn't at this very moment,
it will be. 

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