Spree Q&A

12:22 AM
Sometimes I get tons of questions about sprees and the 'after-service' of it, so here's a consolidation of the frequently asked questions :)

Q: What is Spree?
A: Spree or mass-order or pre-order is a way for us to save money and to buy things that are unavailable in Singapore. Sometimes, we may like a particular item but the international shipping may be very expensive. So by gathering a certain amount of orders, we can share shipping costs and therefore lowering the price of the items that we want.

Q: Ok spree sounds like a good idea, what's the catch?
A: Generally to reach a certain amount, it takes time. So while you may be the first person to order, you may need to wait for days before we can hit a certain amount. Also, it takes time for the item to arrive in Singapore, and for me to sort the items out and Singpost to send out the items to you. Therefore, if you are impatient, you should not join a spree.

Q: I don't have a livejournal account, can I email you my order?
A: yes you can! I will put up your orders on the spree page after that to ensure that I will not miss out on your orders.

Q: How is shipping fee calculated?
A: For US sprees we have to use Vpost as forwarder. Vpost charges by volumetric weight, which means the volume of the packaging of the item. So even if your item weighs 100g, the box in which it came in is huge, Vpost will charge, e.g. 2kg because of the big-sized box. A general assumption I make while sorting out items is that big items will tend to be heavier. So while Vpost charges by volumetric weight, I will split the cost of items via their real weight. 

It is very difficult for me to determine the actual vol. weight of each item, especially if they are in odd shape. 

There are of course instances where a large item is very light, that is when I will assign a higher shipping cost to the spree-er. For example, some one ordered a very huge poster previously and I have asked the person to shoulder more shipping cost as it will not be fair to the others. 

Q: What's the estimated shipping fee for this item?
A: Like you, I only view the item on the screen. Though I have spree-ed a lot of items, I cannot tell how much an item weighs just by looking at it. So to avoid any future misunderstanding, I will ask you to estimate the weight yourself.

In general the cost of shipping via Vpost is between SGD0.013/g to SGD0.03/g 

Q: Hey the website says free shipping, why am I still paying for shipping?
A: Most overseas website, particularly the US offers free DOMESTIC shipping within the US. However, everyone of us is liable for the shipping from US to Singapore. That's why there is still the shipping cost. 

Q: How long does spree takes?
A: It can take any where from 2 weeks to 1 month, sometimes even longer. All these depends on how fast the spree can close, how long the merchant takes to send the items, how quickly Vpost ships out the item (if this is a US spree) and how long I take to sort the spree and finally, how long Singpost takes to deliver your item. Sometimes, some merchants like New Look, VS - they do not provide tracking number so I really have to wait until the items are here before I can give you any information. 
Q: Why is local postage so expensive?!
A: This is one of the stupidest question I have ever received to be honest. The postage prices are determined by Singpost not me so.. ask Singpost :)

Q: Why do you take so long to sort the spree?!
A: Because I have a life outside spree organisation. I try not to open sprees during exam period, so that I have more time to sort things out, but sometimes life happens and I need to settle other stuff first then spree stuff. If you cannot get it that other people need a life too, then please do not join sprees.
Q: Why do you take so long to send out parcels?!
A: Singpost used to be located within Sun Plaza, that is maybe a 10m walk away from Sembawang MRT station. It has since shifted away to some place further ( I need to take a bus). This coupled with the fact that I am currently studying means that I do not have the time to go to Singpost on weekdays to send out a) Reg mail, b)Smartpac c) Bulky normal mail items that cannot fit into a regular mail box. So I can only go Singpost on Saturday to do all these. So sorry about the wait though! 

Q: Why don't you do meetups?? Why must I go to your house for self collection?
A: because I have a life lol. No seriously, I have waited for spree-ers for one hour before at Marina Bay station (where nothing virtually existed except trains), I have work to do, food to eat, so I am not about to wait for people to take their own sweet time to meetup. If you do not wish to do self collection, postage is always an option :)

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