Now Everyone Can Moisturise Their Face!

12:37 AM

Am quite excited to tell you about this product, but first I must mention that without EKMedia/ Samplestore, I wouldn't have this chance to review this.
So first of all, I must announce that Samplestore has went through a revamp and the website is looking more awesome than ever!

Not only that, the product I am reviewing was sent through this.

You see the bags?! It's really cute and guess what? It is a ziplock plastic bag. @.@ yes the baggie was part of the reason why I redeemed 4 bags of samples (one in the fridge). So the new Samplestore boasts more samples per item and 4 samples at $5.99 each. Having redeemed 4 baggies of these samples, I swear they are worth it. If you ever run out of travel sized stuff to use, why not hop to samplestore and try new brands? Click here to join

Ok moving on, the picture let the cat out of the bag! Both products there are from Hada Labo, but I am going to review the one on the left. This is not my first time reviewing Hada Labo stuff if you can recall, I have reviewed their lotion, their lotion with whitening essence, sunscreen as well as eye cream. 

Here's a snapshot of the function of this product- Hada Labo SHA Hydrating Light Lotion
Similar to its lotion and the whitening lotion, SHA Light Hydrating Lotion serves to moisturise our faces. You know, I came across this product probably one or two years back when I was in Taiwan. I was wondering why doesn't SG carry it because OUR WEATHER IS SO HOT AND HUMID! So I bought one back to SG for my boyfriend since guys tend to have oily face. 

There's this general misconception that people with oily skin do not need to moisturise their face since they have the 'oil'. However, moisturising is an important skin care step and for people with oily skin, finding the right moisturiser is a daunting task. You can end up with more pimples and clogs if your skincare product is too rich for you. 

Which was why I am so happy this is now sold in SG. Based on the BF's review as well as my review, this lotion is lighter than the other two and gets absorbed much quicker. Sometimes when my face is oilier I can feel that the normal Hada Labo lotion doesn't work as well, but with this light version, I need not worry about such problems anymore! 

This is now exclusively sold at Watsons for $22.90.
Trust me, the price is worth it because you hardly need more than three drops for your whole face! 
Unfortunately, there is no sample for this version yet but you can always redeem 

Hada Labo lotion free from Samplestore: (free delivery for this btw)

So what are you waiting for? 

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