Putting Things Into Perspectives

1:28 AM
It appears I have too much fun the previous weekend, with the free 'Breaking Dawn' screening and then a sleepover with the girls at my house while my parents were having fun in Taiwan.

We had to fold some brown papers (thanks to me lol), smell a dozen flavours and watched broken parts of 'Hunger Games' (which we didn't even finish it in the end).

And some fun tarot cards reading like 'does the egg come before the chicken"?

The answer is 'this needs further research'


Maybe too much fun and I had to suffer a bad week after?

Now that I thought about it, it probably started on the Friday before the sleepover.
Finally got the time to go down to Groupon office, and all I saw was:

I mean how suay can you get?

拜一: 莫名其妙被人喊了一下。那是真的真的很无语,很冤。自己没把时间记好,走过来当着别人,(其实还蛮多人面前)让我见识你的声音究竟有多大声。事后还可以强词夺理。我。。。不要再说了。
拜二:又莫名其妙被人误会我是小气鬼,自己的心小就算了, 还以小人之心度君子之腹嘞。实在说不过去嘛!
拜五:跟随着我两年的拖鞋断了。 赤脚购拖鞋。。。挺有意思的, 可是地上很冷哈哈哈。拖鞋坏了,我是有点不悦。
今天: 和朋友开开心心吃完了晚餐。。。树上的鸟就在我鞋上大便。




It was indeed a very tiring and trying week. Fighting the emotion demons, curbing my anger at nonsensical people and events. Challenging. I learnt a few things from these incidents though:

  • Standing by my principles. There are some things I wouldn't compromise on. It was also because of this particular event, I realise how much I have in the past hurt my parents' feeling for shouting at them. I understand now how downright degrading that action was and no matter how frustrated I felt, shouting at them was simply wrong. My parents accepted me for who I am, but the outside world wouldn't be so forgiving and accepting, the least I can do to repay my parents' teaching was to never under any circumstances make someone feel this way. Clearly though, everyone were taught differently.
  • Some things once happened, can't be changed. Like my watch for instance. I can scream and accused the company for poor service, but no amount of complains can I make them send the watch to me. All I can do is to settle for something else. I wish I can do the same for other things, I am trying to, but sometimes.. read point 1. lol
  • Looking at things in a positive light. This is potentially a direct contradiction to point 1, but since point 1 comes first, that is my priority =P Like the 2 shoes incidents, it is really quite difficult to spoil/damage two pairs of shoes in a single week unless you have the intention to. But looking at the positive side of things helped, like laughing at my own clumsiness? bimboness? I don't know what, I mean I didn't spoil it on purpose. It was fun though, icky (bird shit) but fun. 

  • And I have to say this, New Look in Singapore is RIDICULOUSLY overpriced. You can easily spend $100 on 2 pairs of heels there and guess what? With 55 pounds you can get free international shipping from newlook.com  and you can get more than 5 things with that 55GBP than you can with SGD100 in Singapore. DO. NOT. BUY. FROM. NEW LOOK SINGAPORE. unless you feel like throwing money. 

Ok I hope your week isn't as bad as mine and let us all start December beautifully :) 

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