[ad] SANA Hadanomy Aquaplacenta Mist

11:59 PM
Am supposed to blog about OZ, my birthday and then this. 
but this has a deadline so this comes 1st lol.

the page no space, but basically I forgot to add that I also liked the scent of the product :D

While it is OK to spray on top of your makeup, I will advise against it because when your face is makeup-less, that's when your face can absorb the product fully. I mean for example if you use some waterproof cosmetics all over your face then maybe only the nano collagen can go in? Don't so waste money, spray on your bare face. 

Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to share the long-term effects given that I do have to submit this review at a fixed date. So for now I will say that the product is effective in moisturising your skin.

And really it is good for lazy people like me (I must emphasise this point) hahaha.

I was given the bigger volume, so I really hoped to have a small one to bring along in my bag. 
I think SANA really understand people like me, because they introduce the same mist in a small volume at $10!! Good for trying too don't you think?
This cute little bottle is exclusively sold in SASA!

All information are taken from SANA SG blog (of course my review of the product is my opinion) but product info is taken from there. Please visit the website to know more info about the range and decide if you prefer the cream or lotion version. Personally I am young (I say one), my skin is still rather firm and supple (I say one), so I chose the mist. 

But if you still don't know what product to choose, you can always ask me or drop by SANA SG facebook page and ask them! 

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