Braces Journey Part III

It's been eons since I last put up an update regarding my braces. 
Must have been more than a year already!

It still looks somewhat the same to me.
Teeth are straight, but there are some spaces between each tooth, so I guess I will have to wait for them to close up. 
Remember, I extracted four teeth, these gaps have to be closed and I was pleased to note that the gaps closed like 80% after one tightening session.


Oh oh! Along the way, my 2 wisdom teeth at the upper row chose to pop out, which worried me for a couple of months, although le doc said not to worry. 
They felt straight to me, so I guess there isn't really anything to worry about. 
Brushing the wisdom teeth are a chore though, they are located so deeply $#%$#^#$^

Still, I don't like how metal-ish my teeth look especially when the photo look small because I'll look like a freak, so I shan't show any teeth for the time being. 

though there have been some criticisms about the orthodontist I have selected, I am ignoring all of them.
for those who don't know,
I am doing my braces with 
Aline Dental 
and there have been a few comments on how the orthodontist is very busy, hard to get a slot, clinic is always full etc etc. 
These were not a problem for me because my company allowed me to take lunch hour off for each appointment T.T thank you boss!!

If you are a person who have no patience, then maybe don't go to this place?
I don't know what's the problem with some people anyway, complain so much when you don't do your research properly. Sure, forums are a good place to start gathering information, but shouldn't you call up each clinic and ask about their packages instead of hiding behind the keyboard and ask "so which dentist should I go?" 

Putting these people aside, I must say that my whole braces journey till date have been really smooth.
A couple of ulcers and a couple of days in 1 or 2 months where I couldn't eat solid food due to the tightening process. 
This is really awesome because I have friends who have ulcers on a daily basis (as in new ones kept sprouting out everyday) because of their braces, or that they couldn't eat solid food every single time they went for tightening. 
Mega shitty I tell you, when there are so many nice food waiting for you. 
So, I am really thankful that my course wasn't and still isn't like this. 

Anyway, if you want to see photos of how ugly my teeth looked, please click here
be warned, they look extremely extremely ugly (I went and see just now), so if you feel like puking please go and see, if not.. DON'T TRY THIS WHEN THERE IS NO TOILET NEAR YOU lol. 

Here's a heart shape to motivate those who are having your braces on as well!

1 comment:

  1. braces are cool but i don't like braces..many said its pretty awesome but i think its really a big help also specially for your teeth..


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