[ad] The End Of Forever.
Thanks to omy.sg (they changed their layout btw), bf and I got the chance to say good-bye to the Twilight series in the cinema! But before I talk about the movie, I shall talk about the cinema first!

Golden Village opened its 11th cinema at City Square :D
At first I thought City Square= the one in JB, Malaysia, but nehhh it was actually in Singapore at Farrer Park (NEL Line).
Looks very futuristic right?
What's more....
Couple cinema!
Pretty sure same-sex couples are allowed too :P
I didn't get to take all these nice pictures because I didn't bring my camera so these pictures are credited to SPRG.
Only took one with this thingy which is touch-screen enabled and allows you to watch trailers of the movies :D
Ok now to the movie
I have watched the Twilight series with the exception of Breaking Dawn part I because I thought I will watch it together with part II. Remember how GV made a packaged that showed Harry Potter part I & II for its finale? I thought it will happen for Breaking Dawn too.
Still, no matter! Because I read the book too.
The problem with reading the book 1st before watching the show is that you form some sort of imagination over how the characters should look like. E.g. Rosalind was much more beautiful in my mind lol. And J Jenks is definitely not an uncle!
But the person that caught my attention was... Bella's little girl!
Bf and I were both right that she's both real and fake. Basically they superimposed her face over various heads. I mean, she can't grow so fast what!

She really looked cute and pretty in real life!
Just look here!
The best part about the movie is that it follows the book exactly, unlike Harry Potter which had to skip quite a number of scene (this pissed me off seriously). So for Twilight fans out there, there wouldn't be much disappointment.
Oh there's twist at the back too (wouldn't spoil it for you)! I mean all movies have action at some point. For those who remembered the plot, you will realise that there is no action at the back, just talking and more talking. People would probably curse the plot if it's made in a movie this way and so... it wasn't.
And it was shocking to watch at first lol.
But then the bf said it left a bitter taste because there was an abrupt end.
Personally I think it's the best of both worlds, the action and the happy ever after. Can't complain leh.
It was not hard to say good bye to this series, because unlike Harry Potter, I didn't 'grow' up with it.
But it was hard to say goodbye to the notion of
Knowing that it wasn't real to begin with, knowing that I can only seek solace in this book should I crave for this forever.
What is your forever?
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