God's Quiz
OCN is one of South Korea's cable tv provider, much like our Singtel's Mio.
I know very little about this company though, so I shall not go into that and instead focus on the shows I watched which were aired there.
Thong thong was in China when I was getting bored and wanted to watch my dramas on the TV.
Sofa is still better than a computer chair regardless.
So I had fun choosing my shows off Taobao, with no inkling of what I was choosing.
I ended up with Ob's & Gyn -> the one I have reviewed before
and God's Quiz 1 because I always like medical dramas.
short synoposis from Dramawiki:
Han Jin Woo, Korea's top medical examiner, leads a team of experts in conducting a medical crime investigation after strange events and mysterious deaths occur in a hospital. He first clashes with but is later aided by Kang Kyung Hee, an attractive female detective who possesses excellent skill in martial arts and a strong sense of justice. And obviously God's Quiz 2 is a sequel to 1.

This medical crime investigational series is the real-est series I have seen so far.
It makes CSI look like child's play.
It certainly makes SG's own 'CSI-like' drama like er. infant play.
Maybe the media in South Korea thinks that the audience are able to stomach autopsy scenes. Which is excellent for me :D
I would also like to mention that these shows highlight crimes that are performed by or on people with rare diseases. I cannot remember the names of all the disorders, but at least I learnt new things. FROM A DRAMA NO LESS!!
It also made me understand life from the perspective of the marginalised people in the society, the struggles they have to put up with (even though it may be exaggerated).
The series is shorter than other dramas, about 12 episodes and each episode they will try to solve a crime.
Every episodes have the same routine: a dead body is found, analysis + questioning suspect, Han Jin Woo had a brainwave and tada! the crime is solved. It makes it easier for the audience to follow.
Don't be fooled by the routine-ness though, because there is a bigger plot surrounding the lead actor in the first and second season. It is the revelation of these plots that made me finished the 2 seasons so quickly.
The 'hi-tech' effect in the show were also done perfectly, certainly made me add a few points to the show for overall aesthetic and sophistication.
This show is for someone who likes to watch medical dramas/documentary (okok, someone who wants to be a doctor but couldn't for some reason lol).
For those who are busy but still want to watch shows occasionally
For those who can stomach watching stuff like blood, stomach and heart.
Because the show let me learnt new things + it is a medical drama + the plot is really good
this is a 10/10 for me :D <- very bias I know lol.
God's Quiz 3 is currently airing in Korea.
I haven't watch any episodes yet because I prefer to wait for all the episodes to come out.
Not sure if it is available in English, but I did see Chinese subs at PPS :D
(thank you Singapore for your bilingualism)!
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